The conscious mind as the name implies is the conscious part of our brain. It is the part of our mind or brain we think, analyze, plan, evaluate and reason with. It is the part of our mind that makes us aware of our environment. It is the objective or thinking mind.
Subconscious Mind
This part of our mind stores and retrieves data. In our subconscious mind is stored our emotions, long term memory, feelings, habits and addictions etc. All the information that may not be stored immediately or processed by our conscious mind is stored in the subconscious mind.

Supra Conscious Mind
Merriam Webster definition of Supra consciousness:
- existing or functioning above the level of the conscious, rational, or logical
I also like the below definition:
- Supra consciousness is an attribute of the Innermost (the Spirit). The faculty of Supra Consciousness is intuition. (
I believe this is the consciousness of our own spirit.

The conscious mind makes us aware of what is outside of ourselves. The subconscious mind is the consciousness existing beneath (hence the prefix sub) our conscious awareness. The prefix sub can also mean under or less than or beneath. The word subconscious makes sense since our present brain evolved from our reptilian ancestors, hence its name, the reptilian brain. That’s the part responsible for our subconscious mind tasks like breathing or keeping our organs and other systems working. (
The supra conscious is the consciousness that is separate, above of our consciousness and even subconsciousness.
The Universal or God Mind
There are some who believe that there exists a Universal mind or 'God Mind'. It may also be referred to as Infinite Intelligence or Super Conscious Mind. Wikipedia gives the following definition of Universal Mind:
'Universal Mind is the universal higher consciousness or source of being in some forms of esoteric or New Thought and spiritual philosophy.'
For the purposes of my articles I will focus on the first three aspects of mind discussed so far.
Whether the Universal, 'God Mind ' or Infinite Intelligence exists or not is neither here nor there as far as I'm concerned. The same goes for a personal God. I respect people's right to believe in this Universal consciousness or a personal God, but that implies looking to something outside of ourselves for wisdom, freedom, guidance or whatever else these things may have to offer.
Isn't it time to stop looking and searching for all these outside influences and looking to them to act upon us and our human condition and environment. Hasn't the human race done enough of that already?
We live in a beautiful, peaceful, stress free, generous, loving world. Of course we bucking don't. It's time to pull our heads out of the sand and shake the dust off our selves and start thinking. It hasn't worked so far, so what makes us think it will work in the future.
Someone may say that it may work for some people. Look at the world. I don't mean the natural world but the human population. There are about 7 billion people. Point the finger in the direction of any of those seven billion people and the odds are zillion, zillion, zillion to one that you will have picked a happy, contented person. The happy mask can make any person look happy, make them take the mask off and then you will see the real face.
I am not putting down anyone's belief or opinions and I certainly don't wish to offend anyone, all I am offering here is an alternative to what plainly and evidently has not worked. That is my opinion, and I cannot call a round ball square.
Also this is not about success or prosperity. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I read somewhere a quote by Donald Trump along the lines that success is good, but success with significance is even better.
This article and the preceding two have been laying the groundwork for what is coming. The future articles in this series will build upon this foundation and provide a blueprint for an alternative course for human progression. There are many good alternative teachings available in books and other media formats on alternative thought and philosophy. I don't have all the answers but he who seeks the truth will always find it.
The general public needs this information more than ever, but with plenty of easy on the eye and easy on the brain entertainment available these days not too many are concerned about the plight of humanity. We don't have bloody time to fix poverty or complain about crime or any thousand other ills inflicted upon us because most people are too busy running on the treadmill in the planet earth prison yard. We are reminded of the old saying about bringing the horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
It also reminds me of the prison characters in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Some are resigned to the fact that they are sentenced to life in this prison and make no effort to escape. Worse still, they try to make it as comfortable and bearable as possible. Frickin' positive thinking gone nuts. Then there are others who can't stand the thought of walking out the front gates of the prison even if the opportunity is made available to them. They have been prisoners for so long that they wouldn't know how to cope with freedom.
Then there are those who from the first moment that their feet tread on the prison soil, they knew that this wasn't their home, they knew this prison wasn't how they were going to spend the rest of their lives. Every waking moment was spent planning, working and looking forward to the escape. Forget the movies, we have a chance and opportunity to make a real life escape. We admire the heroes in the movies who make daring escapes, but where are the real life heroes who will do the same here and now. And then once they are free, help those on the inside to make it to freedom too?
Someone may say that it may work for some people. Look at the world. I don't mean the natural world but the human population. There are about 7 billion people. Point the finger in the direction of any of those seven billion people and the odds are zillion, zillion, zillion to one that you will have picked a happy, contented person. The happy mask can make any person look happy, make them take the mask off and then you will see the real face.
I am not putting down anyone's belief or opinions and I certainly don't wish to offend anyone, all I am offering here is an alternative to what plainly and evidently has not worked. That is my opinion, and I cannot call a round ball square.
Also this is not about success or prosperity. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I read somewhere a quote by Donald Trump along the lines that success is good, but success with significance is even better.
This article and the preceding two have been laying the groundwork for what is coming. The future articles in this series will build upon this foundation and provide a blueprint for an alternative course for human progression. There are many good alternative teachings available in books and other media formats on alternative thought and philosophy. I don't have all the answers but he who seeks the truth will always find it.
The general public needs this information more than ever, but with plenty of easy on the eye and easy on the brain entertainment available these days not too many are concerned about the plight of humanity. We don't have bloody time to fix poverty or complain about crime or any thousand other ills inflicted upon us because most people are too busy running on the treadmill in the planet earth prison yard. We are reminded of the old saying about bringing the horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
It also reminds me of the prison characters in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Some are resigned to the fact that they are sentenced to life in this prison and make no effort to escape. Worse still, they try to make it as comfortable and bearable as possible. Frickin' positive thinking gone nuts. Then there are others who can't stand the thought of walking out the front gates of the prison even if the opportunity is made available to them. They have been prisoners for so long that they wouldn't know how to cope with freedom.
Then there are those who from the first moment that their feet tread on the prison soil, they knew that this wasn't their home, they knew this prison wasn't how they were going to spend the rest of their lives. Every waking moment was spent planning, working and looking forward to the escape. Forget the movies, we have a chance and opportunity to make a real life escape. We admire the heroes in the movies who make daring escapes, but where are the real life heroes who will do the same here and now. And then once they are free, help those on the inside to make it to freedom too?
Our souls belong to God. Our souls are unfuckwithable...unless you give the enemy permission to control your strings.