Thursday 11 June 2015

The Abandoned Hero Within

If you haven't read my first article on the subconscious mind, I strongly suggest you read it  because the coming articles in the series will make more sense.  As implied in the the first article, over reliance on the conscious mind has left  humans in this world extremely short changed.

I am not going to go into too much detail about the workings and differences between the two minds, or three or more minds that exist (depending on who you listen to).  I  will cover a bit on this in the next post.  We have of course only one mind but different aspects of the mind with different functions and states.  I am not an expert on anything,  there are numerous resources available from various sources which mostly cover the topics very well.  The knowledge of itself doesn't make any difference whatsoever.

In a thousand years, humans will still be prisoners and slaves on this planet as they are today unless they wake up from their mechanical and programmed like stupor.  Now you won't find this information in too many books,  I don't care if you read a million of them, as good as some of them may be.  That is exactly the problem. If we keep reading and learning the same things in a robotic fashion without some illumination taking place at a deeper level,  then there is no hope for (most) people even if this earth and humans are around for many eons to come.

Maybe this example as weak as it may be, may help illustrate my point that most people are very much shortchanged when it comes to living this life.   Imagine you had to do some shoveling in the back yard and you go and grab a shovel from the shed.  Mostly this wouldn't cause too many problems, just roll the sleeves up and start shoveling. Pretty soon with some elbow grease the job would be done.  Now, try doing it with just one arm.   How far would you get?  It is the same with people trying to make ends meet on this earth, they are doomed to failure even before they attempt anything. Their results wouldn't be equal to anything they could accomplish if they used all the resources at their disposal.

I'll get to the point and the point is this, the sooner people realize that they need to use their whole mind, and use all the parts of their brain and mind construct and functionality, the sooner the plane of existence on this planet will increase exponentially.

You have probably heard or read that most people use only between five and ten percent of their brains or mental capacity.  I don't think it would make much difference if they used ten times their brain capacity.  There are only so many ways you can bake the same bloody cake. Humans are going around in circles coming at things from this angle and that angle.  But in the end, it doesn't matter how we do something  better or faster or whatever ingenious solution we come up with, we are still in the same boat going in the same direction.  A prison cell is a prison cell, no matter how well it is prettied up.

On that note, I will leave this discussion and come back to it in the next post.

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