Wednesday 27 May 2015

How To Tap The Unlimited Power of The Mind

Basically, what got me thinking about and further researching the subconscious mind is thinking about what I believe isn't working in my life and in this world.  If you know what isn't working, then you can search for what will work.

What is it then that isn't working?  I believe one of the world's greatest circuit breakers to phenomenal human development and progress has been an over reliance on the conscious mind and linear thinking.  Granted, there has been spurts of progress throughout our history, but what has really changed when you take away those surges in progress, especially the current surge in technological advances.

Majority of the world's population still follows a well worn path of work, little rest, get food, build or maintain shelter and so on.  Let's take the last sentence apart a little bit.   Let's assume for this example, that most people work on average about 8 hours per day for 5 days.  That's of course 40 hours per week out of a 168 hour week.  That's about 24% of the week spent working, safely assuming on my part, in a job or career that they view as drudgery at best and slavery at worst. That of course does not include any time for travel to and from work.  Add to this on average 8 hours per night spent sleeping and there's another 56 hours or about 34 percent of their week.  That's 58% of their weekly lives spent working and sleeping.

I don't know about you, but I have always looked at life as I have been able to perceive it and thought that something is not right.  Here we have, the pinnacle and climax of evolution or creation, for this example it doesn't matter what you call it.  Here we have these humans all around the globe, almost every single day doing the same thing, over and over, myself included.  Get up, go search for food, find shelter or maintain it if they have it.  What lunacy!

Are people stupid or crazy for doing that.  Of course not, they are not stupid or crazy, but what they are doing is sheer lunacy and embarrassment to our species, however we got here. Does this apply to everyone on this planet.  Of course not, but it does apply in my humble opinion to about 99 per cent of our population, and this is being very conservative.  I would have to say more like 99.99 per cent.

How can this be?

The next day after writing the above, I came across and watched a YouTube video that I think best explains what I was trying to say in this post and more.  And besides the man in the video has spent countless years researching the subjects regarding the mind and consciousness.  His name is David Icke and the credit for the video in this link goes to him.

Video Credits:

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